On June 5 marks International Environment Day, an event promoted by UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) that leads us to reflect on the importance of our actions across the Planet.
This year the chosen theme is #BeatPlasticPollution (Defeat Plastic Pollution).
A hot topic which we repeatedly hear about, but still one that probably needs more attention in terms of actions to be taken and the choices to be made.
For serveral years, we have implemented policies to monitor its impact on the environment.
Since 2016 we have been UNI EN ISO 14001 certified, always granting that our business processes are fully compliant with the standards imposed by the Environmental Management System.
Additionally, on International Environment Day, we would like to underline the important of those small everyday actions that can certainly make a difference.
For many years, we have been collecting and recycling plastic caps. We protect the environment and at the same time we support the Murgia-Special Basketball team, who use the recycling fee to self-finance the sports seasons of a group of teenage boys with intellectual disabilities.
Everyone here at Daken participates to this initiative with enthusiasm, recycling each year not only their own plastic caps, but also their families and friends’ ones. A small action that helps us raising awareness among our team members and their families, on this such important issue.